Straight Back

Ok now I'm back from Melbs (Arrived at Parramatta @ 6:30AM)
Totes kinda recovered so yeh... any plans for tonight?

Well like my FB status states "YO he's so pringles. hitting up jesses tonighttttt-taaaa...."

Yeh, that means timbo is fucking hitting up Jesse's joint and going to get /wasted.

Fuck the city on nye. Fuck public trannies (you know them hoes that got dicks and you fuck in public) and fuck the trains.

3 2 1 til apocalypse GOOOOOOO

(Note: This is a quick post for the people that may read my blog if they're doing nothing at home during NYE-night, raise your hand if so.. dw I've done it before)

Will post properly tomorrow and shit.

Holla. /timbo400


Kim said...

FYI I read this post AFTER night out... but not out getting schwaaaasted...