So it was about 3 years ago that I transitioned from Xanga (Shudders) to Blogspot in search of a more mature and professional way of blogging. At the time it was a massive change with many trial and errors to be had along the way. Now it is time I put my blogspot into archive and let my new venture to a proper website start.
For the last few days you may have noticed my usual domain was not working. Well that's because I was going through changes under the hood (on the interwebs) and things didn't go exactly to plan.
I've had plans to change over to WordPress for months and months and with the recent shift of several players to the game and many colleagues at Uni I've felt the pressure to move on. My new website is also a new focus and love in my life, one that's always been there but never really the main goal. I will pursue my major and new venture into the realm of the 'Art world'
I hope you all enjoyed reading my blog even though going through archives it's very embarrassing and cringe-worthy. will contain mainly art content but also the same rambles and everyday life.
Note: If you're seeing a weird old website of mine that's part of the problem that I'm trying to fix. That is not the final content!
See you there! Thanks for the great 3 years!
4 years ago
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