Holy Shit

Ha. fuck.

Friday was pretty fucken sweet. Consisting of paranoia, humour and randomness.

Jongman is now a man haha that guy wasted so much but anyway random thugs in the local burbs should fuck off. Fucking making us run for no apparent reason only to probably roll us. Fuck shitcunts.

My next rant? eBay. Fuck eBay.

Seriously, eBay is a place full of shitcunts, don't fucking bid on shit you're not going to buy. Seriously... FUCK OFF you fucking douche bags.

Anyway rants over, here after being several days/weeks late are some new photos:

New Proddy:

(Thanks to MJL, RL, SS, JM)




And here is my latest quick rush job for an assignment at school:


I hate the "i" and "n", Based on CASINO the epic movie with Robert De'niro.

Next post I'll show you guys the money shot.
