There Is No Spoon

Spoons > Forks. It's true.

Please join this group. "Spooning"

If you're a fan of spoons (Not sporks, spoons) and/or spooning (includes if you use spoons whilst spooning) then this flickr group is perfect for you. Upload images that show your love for spoons. What is life without spoons? It's be a forkful of happiness (eg. Nothing)

I've come to enjoy experimental drawing today. I was slightly baked so I guess the amusement factor was increased.

And as I write this post I'm watching a sex scene from Supernatural. Damn fuck yeh.

Note to self:
Assignment to self. Cannot be fucked writing it in diary.

Computing Class Friday. Cameron Fargo
Assignment 2 - Design

Postit Stamp/Cd Cover/Poster/MagazineCover/

1. short paragraph about your idea
2. at least 2 imags
a) .psd showing layers
b) .tiff flattened print ready (Adobe RGB 1998)
3. 1 print to size
4. 1 cd. containing all files used and including #2 (Include font files)
5. firm deadline
6. use of adjustment and fx layers
7. colour correction
8. use text/typography
9. effort.

Due Date: Due June Week 12. TBA. Firm Deadline.

Thoughts on project: Probably a magazine, use of indesign possible? Ask Cam. Movie poster? Typography is important. Sausages, Cheese. Indesign yes.

- Pixel Art Magazine.
- Pixelnation



Kim said...

lol wtf I don't own spoons like that...

I like spoons because they come in various sizes and shapes.

;alans// said...

WTFORKS at the spoons lolol ?