Haha Oh Wow

Man, I'm sick, still sick. I'm coughing up fucked up green goobers through out the day. It's bad.

Is it the withdrawal symptoms of quitting or something? Is this my punishment for quitting? Now I know why winners aren't quitters =p

Another subject is I was at Home bar on Sunday night to celebrate Kevin and Sammy's bdays. Then BAM, while I was in the club some randie comes up to me and pulls the "OMG TIMBO400?"

Yes you, you anonymous reader. You have revealed that a complete stranger actually reads this blog! WOOT! Thank you (This is my shout out to you!) That made my night, along with grinding those 2 face fuckers. Twas too funny splitting them up. Ha! Stupid assholes.

Then brings me to my next subject, my fixie.

Oh gosh. Bad news. I threw out my frame (Not really, It's hanging on my wall ATM)

So yes, I guess I'm building a new fixie from scratch... fuck.

Also I'm looking for mutual advertising! I'll link you on my blog in exchange for you to do the same! Please ask me =]

And today was perpetual fail day. Can people stop failing?

Edit: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=52057776063

Click on that facebook link and join the Samboy Chips competition! It's a ploy created by Jenny Ly for her to win $10,000.52 worth of Samboy Chips. Fuck yeh. I want 20 packets.

We're actually winning ATM!



Bao Kim Nguyen said...

lol @ random stranger.
maybe they know you from GD

saygoe said...

and here i'm wondering why i don't have you linked on my blog,

then i realised it's because i have you on RSS feed.

what is a fixie :X

Timothy Duong said...

fixie is a fixed gear bike. Ie. a bike that has one gear and you have to pedal the motion it goes. Ie. if you pedal backwards, it'll go backwards etc etc =p