Man today sucked the mega-nuts.Like old man potato sack in my mouth with a side of salt and lemon.Well I waited in a fucking line for 2 hours just to take a fucking photo for my ID? In a retarded hot/humid hall. Anyway that's not the point. The point is that I met some other SCA enrollist, who was pretty cool. (Pointless story x1 fuck yeah)So I was totally scouring the BA forums *Refer to title of this post* and I found this one fucking funny signature: (Thanks to 4chan for such a reference)
"Good news everyone,I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, with my voice!" Sauce: yes, my title states me. I've always been a nerd. Maybe not the nerd/geek in school that would normally be studying. I was the dude that somehow always had something with computers or some shit. Fuck it's embarrassing just typing it now -__- (Maybe I could change my blog post title... or fuck it, I'll just carry np)Anyway, nowadays I'm REALLY carrying this jargon from many places and using it in like real life. It's really fucking bad. Today.. I said "I cbf" to that girl I met at the enrolling line. WOW JUST WOW. I mean, that shit is like branded into my mind ("Broca's Area" to be specific) and yeh. I was so struck by my fucking stupidity, though I was lucky it slipped pass her (Wow this guy is speaking some fucking asian I don't know)So yeh, that's me. A self confessed asian nerd. Nothing new right?Anyway here was what really made me smile today:
From an anonymous person on MSN who was reading my blog:"
your taste in porn is magnificant"
- Anonymous, Random MSN Conversation @ 8pm
Thanks buddy, you made my day HAHA!