I miss her.. already.

Today was the last day I saw my sister.

She's gone, gone for about 1 year in France. I'm not sure if I'm visiting her since Mum is doing the early rounder during Easter holidays without me.

This morning, it seemed quite normal besides the fact I woke at 7am to make quiches and stuff for my Mum, but that's fairly normal. We ate and met Ben's family again + sister's friends which was good to see. The day strolled by until we had to drop her off at the airport. Now the airport.. it's such a large place, trolleys, people, luggage. Fuck it all. Even till that time, I didn't feel any different. I still felt normal. Nothing changed. It was all just a normal humid day. We said our goodbyes and we spent time together with the family and blah.

Even then when I waved her and flipped her off for the last time (Flipping off is this in thing I do) I still felt nothing.

Was this my insensitivity kicking in and being a total homo? I felt nothing. A fucking rock has more emotions than me at that fucking airport. Not to be a bitch or anything but I just felt like it was another "Cya later"

Well I shrugged it off in the car ride home listening and changing the radio station only to let my mind fill into mush from the fail music being broadcasted into our airwaves. I was at home and didn't do anything until later, 3 hours from when she left (Her flight left for a stop in HK at 3pm ADEST) and only then. It came. It came like an icicle falling in splitting my head open. She was gone. My only sister. The only one I can act like an idiot around. The only person I can tell my stupid or secret stories.

I would only go inside your room and jump on the bed because you were there. I would only act stupid cause you were there. You were the only person I would feel comfortable around in the house. I'll miss you when you're gone. It won't be the same at home without you. I was worried when you were gone for 2 days straight on NYE. I don't know how I'll last 365 days (If I don't make it there)

I'll miss you so much viv. Please be safe there! :3

Here is a photo we took... It's sitting on the fridge...

Well I guess that's it... here's the other photos I promised you other readers:

A new addition to the family:

Timbo in Burn City:



Timmy the photographer :3

Sarah the badass:

Aaron's shoe! :p

/peace timbo400.



this is a very cute blog :)


can you blog about me?


saygoe said...

graffiti-ing is bad!

Unknown said...

haha burn city, looked fun ;D
