Coffee Table Edition

The last 3 blog posts I just noticed were so repetitive, 3 fucking turtles. Wow.

So today I handed in my Advertisements for "Crusader Crunch" and I believe I wow'd my teachers (Maybe that's an overstatement) but anyway it was pretty impressive for drop-kick400.

So timbo400 got his drawing on and drew more grafitties which he'll upload a little later tomorrow hopefully. It's nothing like staying up til 1am in the morn doing pieces. It's fucking awesome and I'm actually doing something fairly productive.

Man, I was just facebooking today when I saw a picture WHICH WAS AGAINST FB'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. It scarred my eyes. Oh wait, that is the second time I've seen ******'s cock. God damnit.

And here's my second issue of the Crusader Crunch :)


kkthnxbai /timbo400