
Man, my body clock is changed. This constant change of sleeping patterns makes me sluggish throughout the day.

I've achieved next to nothing.

.'. there's nothing to post.

It's like I've hit rock bottom in terms of blogspot/blogging.

I mean, considering this is an "art" blog. I've done little to no art in the last 3 weeks besides a few typography exercises I like to do myself when I'm bored.

So besides being in a total slump, I did clean up my house today. It's extra clean! All I need now is to clean my bedroom/s (which I pretty much transferred all the mess to lol)

It's 10:22pm on a thursday. My eyes are so tired. I need a proper night's sleep.

Goodnight sweet world.



Kim said...

This is the time in our lives when we mess up our circadian rhythms most.


Kenny Yong Soo SON said...

I've join the bogging crew to keep you company dude, keep on blogging, gogogogogo!