Creative Impulses

I'm one that procrastinates to the max. Failing Uni seems like the norm for me and cruising seems like a chore now. But through my lowest of lows and highest of 'highs' there lays a creative spark inside me that comes out from time to time. In the last 2 months I've been scheming a short-film of some sort and also to make a set for someone special (That someone special knows who they are :3) so through the last couple of  weeks I've come up with the idea to make a mini-model set. It's not-yet complete but very close. I originally had paper-cut-outs but I've abadoned that idea for aesthetic reasons.

I'm on my way to creating a storyboard, finding a director/cinematographer and someone to help me with narration/sound. It's going to be pretty tight-knit and I'll post WIP when I can but hopefully it'll be done within a couple of months :)

The set so far:

Everything is hand made or from train model sets. I hope this turns out well, time to hit the drawing boards!

Been seeing JM, Raymond, Steven a bit more and also Leanne! It's good to see you guys again!

Chigga Pleeeaze (Nigger Bi-surrrr)
