Double Visioning

Check out this baller suit. Combo'd with the stunner shades it un-fuck-wit-able. We spent like a good hour or two at Paddy's. I have not been here since 2006. It's quite shit like always but there's always something interesting, I nearly pulled triggers on a magic card thing. It blew minds. Several minds. Many times over.

Then our crew bar timbo were all wearing Khaki's, it was intense. Here's B1 and B2 on some 3D now you see it now you don't shit. We ended up at Tom & Tom's for some coffee and refreshment action where we talked about impossible scenarios and Zyss. It was fucking juicy.

ALIO was pretty average at best. Never going back.

But you can't mess with good ole Jenga at Norita :)

Tim: 2 Grace: 3 :(

Today during the afternoon and night is Harry Potter at the cinemas and a Job at Fox Studios :)
