Bobbin' and shit.

Twas a fine morning on Saturday.. I woke up at 3:30am thinking I missed my alarm.. which was suppose to go off at 4am. Anyway we trekked to bobbin's head and there we took some photos..

Besides photos, I had a little "swim" and there were fuckloads of fish. I'm definitely bringing a handreel next time!

After bobbin's we went to Eastwood for some good ole fashion breaky. I had pancakes.. with bacon.. with icecream + maple syrup. Shit was so fucking cash! Best pancakes.. EVAR (YES BETTA THAN PCOTR)

In the afternoon I went to work via shitty buses.. at the bus stop (where buses always fail to come on time) I was sitting down in the shelter when I couldn't stand the fierce sun no longer. I stood up into the shade where I accidentally kicked a random cigarette packet on the floor. I heard it.. it wasn't empty.. I looked around to see if there was anyone watching, then parted the packet's mouth and to my delight... IT WAS FILLED! MUHAHAH (-1 cigarette)

A packet a free marlboro lights! FUCK YES. (Coincidentally waymond + jinman were suggesting me to buy these on thurs!)

So yeh. That made my Saturday 10x better than it already was (since going to work is such a cock and ball stream)

And to top it off.. I had some cool photos!

mandatory penis picture:

yes, I know i was going to quit. but technically i said i was going to stop "buying".. so puck you.



Anonymous said...

NO lol
if "statistically" accelerating your death makes your day better then...


Anonymous said...

No no no, puck YOU!

How do you know they were safe?